Thursday, October 14, 2010

Would You Like Some Sugar to Sweeten That Tea (Party Criticism)?

How the Media Created the Tea Party asserts that the Tea Party was created by the major media outlets when they all rushed to the left, "creating a vacuum... and nature abhors a vacuum."  Definitely a right-leaning blog, the author makes the case that the Tea Party is not made up of protesters, trying to make a fuss.  Instead, it is made up of regular, middle class right wing citizens who decided the only way to get noticed was to pick up a picket with a sign attached.  The argument the author makes a good point when he says the reason the Tea Party members were attacked by the left as "fake, astroturf" was precisely because they were people who wouldn't normally be picketing, wouldn't normally be making a fuss.

The author goes on to say that the recent, severe lack of honest news coverage for the right-wing spectrum of the political scene is what created the very same Tea Party the Liberals tried to take down (without succeeding...)  Of course, the articles points may be completely discarded by someone from the left, but I believe the point is sold that the mass media outlets like NBC, CBS, ABC and others have left the Conservatives in the dark with regard to political coverage.  Honest reporting is had to find anywhere these days, but FOX and talk radio does a better job of addressing issues that are important to the right. It's also interesting to note that for the most part, these conservative media outlets do not attack the left-wing media outlets, they might contest and attack their opinions, views and things of that nature, but the outlets themselves, no.

The author's credibility, I believe is relative.  A blogger could have any number of credentials that qualify him to make such statements, any number including none.  However, the evidence to support his claims is there - the mass media outlets tend to paint everything in a rosy, Obama colored light.  Throughout the article, the author offers a sense of transparency by making easily researchable claims such as "other [major] broadcast news services are losing viewers... while FOX is a big and growing hit."  It's interesting to hear about the Tea Party both from the angle of discussing it's origins, and also without the constant attacking.  Increasingly, I think news networks that do more analyzing, discussing and criticizing of others views, and not the people themselves will become the "go to guys" in media. At least, I hope so.  Otherwise, the 2012 election season is going to be one bumpy ride.

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